Whose Hand is That?"
28 September 2012

"Fringe" Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11 (2012)

I waited all summer for this exploration of what happened after S4E19.

Walter is suddenly of very sound mind - He has a little of his awkwardness, but is he like Walternate? Not really. This Walter is aware that he is walking around Sans Pants, and he is mostly coherent and brilliant.

Walter and The remaining Fringe team with Henry-Etta in tow follow a lead as to the whereabouts of Olivia and find an Ambered area-That had been scavenged by "Amber Gypsies." But searching the local underground "Amber Market" nets no Olivia-She had been sold. To who? Ironically the answer to that reaches back a few seasons and especially to the S4 "Batupine" episode. And he's using her as a Coffee Table!

As I had seen Walter being Tortured by Michael Kopsa in a preview, whose Character "Captain Windmark" sports the same character name as Kopsa played in a 2008 short also called "Fringe" - I knew this was coming. Windmark had very few redeeming values-actually none in S4E19 -"I Like Animals"-And he expresses no redeeming values here. Moreover, his torture of Walter has a very particular unpleasant result. But leave it to Walter to have ways to undo even those effects, as he listens to a song by YAZOO at the end.

The Game is afoot, and now I want to know why these bald guys came, why did they do this? And are they all bad-Or are there more like September who will help them? Speaking of September, where is he, and will he show up to help, now that he obviously has no "observer" rules preventing him from directly lending Walter and Peter and crew a hand?

I have no idea how this is going to go, this first installment gave me no clues. It just set the chessboard, and now the pieces are moving. How are Walter, Peter, Olivia and Astrid going to dispose of unwanted bald guys with no eyebrows from The Future?
