Watchmen: Goo Goo ga Joob!

A few eggs broken, eh?

I should have figured, everything Dr. Manhattan ever did had some context somewhere else. Why else would he start making waffles right before the gang of Rorschachs attack?

This episode solidly focuses on the Lady Trieu, and it explains a lot- you just have to facepalm yourself for not realizing it sooner. And also the final moments of Adrian Veidt's exile, say goodbye to Phillips and Cruickshank.

The way that portion of this tale unraveled was a cleverly woven tapestry. 

We already knew pretty much exactly what was going to happen. That's the problem when writing stories about characters that know their own futures. Also, there is a lot of thematic imagery that this episode returns to: Episode four introduces the egg and acorn elements. Egg, acorn. Pretty much the same thing and both become relevant. That’s how you write for characters who know their futures, you tell their stories with well-placed references.

The satisfaction is, seeing all of the little things that happened to make those futures come about.

We had our eyes focused on the Gang of Rorschach's and Senator Keene, Jr. I suppose this is the same "Keene" whose father wrote the Keene Act which illegalized masked vigilante-ism. Now we know after watching this chapter that even the Keene Act was designed to do something else as well. But while we were all wrapped up in trying to figure out what was going on there, something even more insidious was happening.

 And there are also the other characters who stories were referred to but then they disappeared for various amounts of time during the show, Angela‘s grandfather, Looking Glass,  and of course we knew where Laurie Jupiter was.  It’s funny how “Jupiter” keeps popping up in this series,  and even in the original limited series.

A raging narcissist should never be afforded the opportunity to become a god, in fact they shouldn't be afforded opportunities to be in positions of authority or power either.

"Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day, i've got a beautiful feeling, everything's going my egg...”
